Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Twelve Days of Listless

I haven't written anything for twelve days.  When I last posted here, I was on a 17-day streak.  I had written something every day, for 17 days in a row.  It wasn't always something substantial, it wasn't always something good, but I was creating.  Just two days after that I stopped, and I haven't started again.

I often have trouble pinpointing why I can't sustain a regular writing habit, but in this case it's not a mystery.  I've been having some personal problems.  They're not something I want to delve into on the blog, but I've been experiencing a down period.  It's not depression; I'm perfectly functional in my day-to-day life, but even so I begin to wonder what is the point of writing anything.

The thing is, I've been perfectly capable of making my word count every day.  There's no reason that I could not have done so, no reason that I haven't banged out three or four chapters over those twelve days.  At some point I have to accept that not writing is an active choice.  There will be times when I can't do so, and that's fine.  But when I can, I should.  Time to get my streak going again.


Nothing.  Nada.  Nil.  Diddly.  Zip.  Zilch.  Zero.

Oh, wait.  I did blog about PEDIT5, the earliest CRPG in existence.  It's over at  That counts, right?


What I've Been Reading:
The CRPG Addict blog by Chester Bolingbroke

What I've Been Watching:
Resurrection season 1 (it's sentimental nonsense, but my wife enjoys it, so...)
Game of Thrones season 4

What I've Been Playing:
The  Dungeon (aka pedit5)

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