Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Project Round-Up

Okay, so I haven't updated this blog in close to a month.  Okay, so I've barely done any writing in the last month.  I'm not going to dwell on those facts, as it doesn't do anybody any favours.  Allow me to continue with my post and pretend that I'm not a complete screw-up.

So what I really want to do today is give an update on the various projects that I've been promising since I started this blog.  I have a tendency to get high on an idea, go at it full steam for a day or two, then drop it.  Let's check my track record for 2013-2014.

The Lightless Labyrinth:  This is the big one, and it's been my major project since early this year.  I would estimate that I'm about 1/3 done with the first draft, which puts me a little bit behind schedule.  My plan was to get the first draft done by the end of the year.  There's still time, if I pull the proverbial finger out.

Jack Manley Sequel:  This could be either Jack Manley and the Interchronal Deathmatch Tournament or Jack Manley and the Fist That Punched the Devil, depending on which takes my fancy when it comes time to begin.  I had previously said that I wanted to do it as a serial, but to be honest I'm not sure that I can create a first draft I'll be happy with, and anything I release as a serial would by necessity be a first draft.  I'll tackle this as my next novel after The Lightless Labyrinth, so probably some time next year.

Marvel Guidebooks: I'm getting there, at least with volume 1.  That said, volume 1 only covers the year 1961, and is more of a test for myself than a genuine book.  It's only going to cover three comics (or perhaps just two, I haven't decided yet) but for such a complex project I want to get the format down before I embark on the guidebook for 1962.  Volume 1 should almost certainly be out before the year's end.

Ug and the Giant's Backyard: This was the children's book that I had published through a small press about a decade ago.  I want to make it available via print and digital again, but before I do that I want to add colour to the interior illustrations, and create a new front cover.  This is another one I think I can get done by the end of 2014.

The  Lightless Labyrinth: 1,627 words (39,598 total)


What I'm Reading:
Harry Potter books 5-7
The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan

What I'm Watching:
Loads of WWE

What I'm Playing:
The Game of Dungeons (aka dnd)

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