Sunday, October 26, 2014

The NaNoWriMo Deadline Approaches

At the time of writing, I have four nights to go before NaNoWriMo 2014 hits.  One of those nights is being spent watching rasslin', so that's a write-off.  I've got ten chapters of The Lightless Labyrinth left to redraft, which is doable, depending on how extensive those redrafts need to be.  I'm thinking they'll be more extensive the closer I get to the end, but I think I can still make it.

I also want to sit down and plot out part 3 in detail before NaNo begins.  I've learned from experience that the words flow out faster when I know where I'm going.  Inevitably it's all going to be rewritten down the road, but I'd like the stuff that I bang out in November to be as usable as possible.

Overall, I'm looking forward to it.  The redrafting process has been really refreshing, and I find that I'm enjoying what I wrote.  I'm confident that there's a good book there just waiting to be finished.

The Lightless Labyrinth - redrafted part 1, chapters 7-23, and part 2, chapters 1-8.  Current word count: 52,908 (up about 1,000 words since last week)


What I'm Reading:
The  Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan
Tarzan and the Golden Lion by Edgar Rice Burroughs
She by H. Rider Haggard

What I'm Watching
Walking Dead season 5
Doctor Who season 8

What I'm Listening To:
Party Animals by Turbonegro

What I'm Playing:
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Game Boy Advance version)

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