Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hitting the Zone

Writing a novel can be hard. Sometimes the plot doesn't come together, or your characters lack drive, or there's just no drama or excitement.  It could be any number of problems that don't seem to have an obvious solution. Whatever you do, however brilliant and talented you are, at some point in your writing career there will be a project that just refuses to work.

Earlier this week I was feeling that way about The Lightless Labyrinth. I couldn't get into my protagonist's head. There were too many characters clogging up the narrative. I just wasn't feeling it, and when the writer can't muster any excitement for a project it's probably time to chuck it in. Indeed, I had practically done that, not having worked on the book for over a week.

Then, just a few days ago, it all clicked. I had a revelation about my protagonist that suddenly made him interesting. My large ensemble cast started bouncing off each other, providing banter as well as drama. And just like that, I was getting excited to write it again.

In fact, it's like the book has started writing itself. This is, of course, a terrible cliche, and it's not strictly true. I've got an outline, and character arcs, and scenes worked out in my head. I'm still writing to my original plan. But now I've reached a place where I barely have to think about how the characters will react, and the words are flowing out pretty quickly. If I just had more time to write, I could get a hell of a lot done right now.

Even so, I've been feeling productive, and The Lightless Labyrinth is going ahead very well. I've hit the zone, where the book is coming together with little effort. All of a sudden, at least for now, writing a novel is pretty easy.


The Lightless Labyrinth - 1,794 words


What I've Been Reading
The CRPG Addict blog by Chester Bolingbroke
Tarzan the Untamed by Edgar Rice Burroughs

What I've Been Watching
The Walking Dead season 4

What I've Been Playing
Adventure (the original text adventure game from 1976)

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