Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Greetings and Salutations on the Eve of My Triumph

Hello.  My name is Nathan P. Mahney, and soon I will be a writer.

Not that I wasn't writing before, of course.  I write every day, whether it be fantasy, science-fiction or just plain old blogging.  It's what I love to do, and I've been doing it since I was able to grip a pencil.  I've been calling myself a writer for almost as long.  So why write that opening paragraph?  Because, dear reader, soon I will be a published writer.

Of course I've had things published before.  A few short stories here and there, a microscopically small press children's picture book, an essay or two.  I've been around.  I've been published.  The difference is that soon I will be self-published.

This is a big deal and a significant step for me, so I'm starting up this blog on the vague chance that someone reads my book and wants to know more about me and what I'm working on.  So here goes!


Jack Manley and the Warlord of Infinity is a sci-fi action-adventure novel that I've been writing, shining and polishing for about eight years now.  Manley is the quintessential action hero, but he's been worn down by years of war throughout space and time.  He doesn't want to kill any more, but an interdimensional emperor known only as the Warlord is hunting him down to avenge a murder that even Manley's not certain he didn't commit.  And nothing short of death will stop him.

The above description makes it sound a bit heavy, and it does deal with some darker themes, but it also has dogs with guns in their mouths, and a fist-fight with a giant lizard.  And the Annihil-apes.  The tone I'm going for is that of a universe that is full of absurdity, but where the events are played straight.  Doctor Who is the closest thing to it that I can think of, albeit my protagonist is much more likely to punch his way out of a problem.

I'm launching the book on Amazon's Kindle store to begin with.  I also have my eye on other e-reader formats, and another eye on getting the book in print further down the track.  I'm taking this slow, as I am not particularly capable of functioning in the real world.  I don't want to rush things and end up in crushing debt, or suffocated under a pile of unsold stock in my garage.  I have a child to feed.  I think that the book will launch around the end of August, but I don't have a firm date yet.  Watch this space!


I'm about to start my second novel, a fantasy book that has nothing to do with Jack Manley.  I have a tumblr - Comics Odyssey - in which I post images from Golden Age DC and Marvel comics in some semblance of chronological release order.  Mostly it's images of people getting punched, or wrestling giant animals, or engaging in egregious racism.  I also have a gaming blog - Save or Die! - that deals primarily with Dungeons & Dragons and Fighting Fantasy gamebooks.  I'm blogging my way through the Fighting Fantasy series right now.  Please drop by my other blogs if they sound like they're up your alley.


What I'm Reading
Deathtrap Dungeon by Ian Livingstone
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
Marvel Comics circa 1964

What I'm Listening To
Led Zeppelin's fourth album that doesn't really have a title

What I'm Playing
Hot Wheels: Beat That! on the Nintendo Wii


I'm on Twitter:  @NPMahney.  At the moment I'm posting a lot about gamebooks and Marvel Comics of the mid-1960s, so fair warning.

I also have an e-mail address, which is npmahney@yahoo.com.au.  Please feel free to drop me a line.

To anyone who has read this, thanks for stopping by.  I'm planning to post every week, with an update on what I'm writing and whatever else is getting me excited that day.  It might be about writing techniques and ideas, it might be a review of the latest novel I read, or it could just be me banging on about Spider-Man or Ian Livingstone for a couple of pages.  Mostly though, it will be me shilling my upcoming work.  It's only fair that I warn you in advance.

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